Bio-ethanol, a renewable energy source, is a 100% organic alcohol obtained by natural fermentation of sugary, starchy or cellulose plants such as sugar cane, wheat or corn. Bio-ethanol, which consists entirely of a biological composition, can be applied at every location of homes, workplaces, hotels and restaurants without chimneys with its clean burning feature that does not harm the ecological balance. In addition to being known as the alcohol used in liquor production today, engines working with bio-ethanol have also been developed.

The gasoline used in our vehicles contains a small percentage of bio-ethanol. In addition, in some countries, due to the high production of sugar cane, public transport vehicles and taxis run entirely on bio-ethanol. The reason why it is environmentally friendly is that the carbon dioxide released during combustion is equal to the rate of carbon dioxide collected by plants during their development. Therefore, it does not add any extra carbon dioxide load to the atmosphere.

Since the fuel used is produced from agricultural and forestry products, i.e. non-fossil bio fuel, only heat + water vapour and CO2 are produced as a result of burning. The carbon dioxide released is as much as the carbon dioxide released by the burning of 2 medium-sized candles. Hazardous waste gases such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and aldehydes are released after 750oC. Since the burning temperature of ethanol burning BlueFlame chimneyless fireplaces is below 400oC, no harmful gases are generated and do not pose a risk to human health. Efficiency of chimneyless fireplaces. In chimneyless fireplaces, there is no need to use a chimney since no harmful waste, soot or smoke is emitted during the burning. Although 2/3 of the heat in standard fireplaces is lost through the chimney, 100% of the heat generated in chimneyless fireplaces remains in the environment. This makes chimneyless fireplaces extremely efficient.

Since chimneyless fireplaces do not require any chimney system and have internal fuel reservoirs, they are completely modular and transportable. Therefore, it is a very suitable fireplace solution for those living in rental houses or for those living in summer-winter houses.

Although it varies according to the model of the fireplace and the way the combustion adjustment mechanism is used, it has been determined in our tests that a burning chamber with a capacity of 1.2 litres burns for 3-4 hours without interruption.  There are norms of quality certification institutions related to chimneyless fireplaces. According to the criteria of the TÜV quality certification institution, the burning chamber of the fireplace should be produced in sizes that will not consume more than 0.5 litres of fuel per hour. All metal parts of the burning chamber must be made of stainless steel.

In bio-ethanol fuelled chimneyless fireplaces, you can experience the course and warmth of the real flame in any place you want, not just a flame effect.

You can obtain it from our company in 1-5-10 litre packages.  You can also obtain it from authorised ethanol dealers.

Although chimneyless fireplaces carry the risks of all fire sources because they contain real flame, the risk has been minimised with the flame adjustment mechanism, burner material thicknesses, insulation superiorities in the R&D processes of our company's chimneyless fireplaces. However, depending on the place of use and user profile (pets, families with children, crowded environments, windy places), the model and application preferences may vary.

In tests carried out in independent laboratories, the heat emitted by 1 litre of fuel in 1 hour was measured as 7.1 kw.  If this fuel is consumed in 2 hours, 3.5 kw/h heat is released and if it is consumed in 3 hours, 2.4 kw/h heat is released.

Chimneyless fireplaces are very easy to install. You can position it where you consider it suitable and you can change the place if you wish. In our wall-mounted models, you can easily mount it on the wall like mounting an LCD television thanks to the hanger bracket on the back.

Chimneyless fireplaces are within the open fireplace concept and they take the burning air from the environment. Since a 70 m3 room requires only 2 m3 of burning air per hour, the natural air circulation in the room is sufficient to provide the required air. No need for extra ventilation.

It does not require any maintenance. You can clean it with a damp cloth.

When refuelling, take care not to spill fuel around and not to overflow the burning chamber. In such cases, light the fireplace after cleaning the fuel with paper towels, napkins or a dry cloth.

  • Do not fill the burning chamber with fuel to the brim.
  • Use the special stick supplied with the fireplace for refuelling and lighting.
  • Do not add fuel to the fire while the fireplace is burning. Do not remove the burning chamber until it has cooled down.
  • Do not use paper, wood or other flammable material for lighting (except for the burning stick).

Do not use gels or other flammable and foreign substances other than those recommended as fuel. Ethanol burning, smokeless and environmentally friendly chimneyless fireplaces can be used indoors and outdoors in various areas such as hotels, shopping centres, restaurants, cafeterias, bars, as well as detached and apartment houses and workplaces without the need for a chimney, combining natural flame heating and aesthetics.

The burning chamber (Burners) of our chimneyless fireplaces are made of 304 stainless steel. As a result of many trials, especially fuel production, flame size, heating capacity and long-term trouble-free burning, internal chamber formation, material thickness and dimensions have found their ideal state and a safe burning environment has been provided. You will be able to enjoy our effortless fireplaces, which are smokeless and therefore do not require a chimney, in apartments and many chimneyless environments. While enjoying the visual pleasure of the flame, you will be able to heat up thanks to the heat energy that does not escape from the chimney. You can also effortlessly enjoy your fireplace, which you cannot use due to incorrect chimney systems, with our burners by closing the chimney in your existing fireplaces. In the tests carried out, the heat emitted by 1 litre of fuel in 1 hour was measured as 7.1 kW.

Fill the fireplace chamber (burner) with fuel up to 0.3 cm below the top. Take care not to splash or overflow when refuelling. When refuelling is complete, light the fireplace using the stick provided with the fireplace. For the first 5-10 minutes, a flame with a blue colour will appear. After a few minutes, when the fireplace reaches the ideal temperature, the blue flame will be replaced by a flame dominated by yellow and red colours. It is recommended to fill the burner chamber completely during each burning process.  You can extinguish the fireplace at any time with the help of the fire iron provided with the fireplace.